Monday, May 2, 2011

National Cookie Week!!!

Art by Gerard Conte ©2011

It's here! It's here!  A whole week devoted to COOKIES!!!!!!  How exciting!  At least for me.  Not that I need to obsess over cookies for an entire week....but that's beside the point!  Check out National Cookie Week on Facebook, get more info from The Gay Gourmet's blog, follow along on twitter with @TheGayGourmet, @Schmackary's and search the hashtag #NationalCookieWeek! 

Also, if you have a cookie recipe, you can go to and submit your posts (with blog link included) and TGG will post it on the tumblr so there will be one large database of cookie recipes for everyone to check out by the end of the week!  I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for new, fun cookie recipes. For the kids of course. *wink wink*

A big thanks to The Gay Gourmet and Schmackary's Bakery for hosting this fun event!  Both are based in New York, where there is lots of celebrating going on as everyone learns and rejoices in the death of the mastermind of 9/11.  It won't bring the thousands of Americans back who lost their lives that tragic day, but hopefully it brings some comfort to the families to know that the United States did not forget, and did not stop, until Osama Bin Laden was dead. 

As a side note, did anyone else notice that bin Laden's name was being spelled USAma on the news?  I've never seen it that way before....anyway, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! is Teacher Appreciation Week!  So what better way to tell your favorite teachers that you appreciate all they do than cookies!  That's my plan today...make some cookies for the kids' teachers.  That way I get to bake (and sample!), but not have a bunch of cookies sitting around the house making my ass widen to unreasonable proportions.  It's already stretching the boundaries of acceptableness.  Speaking of...I really need to get on the treadmill.  blech!


  1. You're full of fun facts! I had no idea it was cookie week or teacher appreciation week :) Both of those make me very happy!

    And yes - GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  2. I am all about the cookies!!!
    and the treadmil.
    Have a great week.

  3. Cookie week sounds wonderful. I shall definitely be celebrating in full force now that I know it exists!
