Monday, April 11, 2011

Overnight Oats

You've probably seen these around blog land, and since I love me some oatmeal, I had to give it a try.  My usual oatmeal is pumpkin spiced oatmeal, which is warm and delicious.  Overnight oats are totally different.  But not in a bad way.  I think I'll be eating these more as the weather warms up.  (supposed to be 88 degrees today! Holla!)
Overnight Oats -

*1/2 cup steel cut or regular oatmeal (quick cooking would end up being a mushy mess)
*1/2 cup skim milk or almond milk (or whatever you like. I like the flavor the almond milk adds)
*cinnamon to taste (I like a lot)
*flax seed (milled) - optional, I have added this when I could remember!  Makes this even more filling and adds some Omega's!  Speaking of, I have a giveaway going on until Wednesday for WHOLEmega supplement...check it out!

Mix these ingredients together in a bowl, cover, and stick in the refrigerator overnight.  In the morning, give them a stir and add anything you like.  Yogurt, fruit, nuts, etc.  I like mine with my Salted Cinnamon Maple Roasted Almond Butter.  It's also good with blueberries and walnuts.  I haven't tried it with yogurt yet.  Since I made yogurt yesterday and it didn't turn out! I was so mad.  That has only happened one other time, but it is so annoying.  I hate wasting all that milk.  Anyway, I need to make some more.

I take my oats out first thing in the morning, and let them sit out while I get the kids off to school.  I think they are better at room temp, but that may change when it starts getting really hot!  It's nice to have something filling, that is quick and easy and doesn't require much prep.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I had a birthday party for Mr. Terrible Two....who is now THREE!! I can't believe it.  Pics and recipes to come!

Go HERE for blog hops and recipe/craft linkys :)


  1. Oh, fabulous! My husband bought about a years supply of steel cut oats, but they take a while to make. This is perfect!!!

  2. So how "nutty" is it? I'll have to try this. I have a lot of oats, and don't mind oatmeal for breakfast (i hate eggs). The "cold" element sounds like a good summer thing. And here I thought this was gonna be a crock pot recipe.

  3. That sounds easy- I need to try it!

  4. I really need to try making this again - I did it once and didn't really enjoy it but I think I didn't get the mix right :)

  5. these overnight oats sound like a manageable, filling breakfast that is totally customizable! love it! :D

    thanks so much for linking up to mangia mondays!


  6. I'm not normally a huge oatmeal fan, but these look like they'd be good for when it gets hot. I always have a hard time finding summer breakfast foods that aren't hot and aren't cereal.

  7. I've heard good things about overnight oats but haven't tried them myself! Definitely have to give them a go at some point!
