Monday, May 16, 2011

Bacon Chicken Ranch Pizza

One of my 'goals' this year is to decrease the amount of food we waste around here.  It drives me crazy to buy groceries, prepare meals, and then the leftovers end up in the trash.  I have found the best way to utilize the leftovers is to use them in another dish.  That way, the fam doesn't feel like they are eating the same thing two nights in a row. I have to admit, I'm terrible for not eating leftovers.  I generally just don't like or want them.  However, I do like pizza.  A lot.  So anything that can be turned into a pizza has a much better chance of getting eaten!  That's how this Bacon Chicken Ranch pizza was born.  We had leftover chicken breasts and I was trying to figure out what to do with them.  I really don't like leftover chicken. However, I figured with enough bacon and cheese, who would know there was chicken?!  We like bacon chicken ranch salads and subs, so I figured, why not pizza!
*All you need is your favorite pizza dough
*Ranch dressing for your "sauce"
*diced chicken
*chopped bacon (I used real bacon bits from the bag that I buy for salad topping)
*your choice of cheese(s) - we used mozzarella and cheddar

Surprisingly, this was a big hit with the hubs and Miss Two.

I also threw together what I called "chicken parmesan pizza" -
which was chicken, pizza sauce and cheese!  But hey, chicken parm pizza sounded like I had really cooked up something ;) 

It was a good way to use up the leftover chicken!  Do you like leftovers?  What's your favorite way to use them up?  I've been trying to plan meals for 4 nights, then have a "leftover night".  Then we just kind of wing it over the weekend.  I've been kind of slack the past 2 weeks, but this week is the hubs bday, so I'm going to try to do better!  I'll be making his favorite sugar free cheesecake.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I got a lot of work done in my garden!


  1. Those both look yummy! We do a lot of chicken around here, so I'm always looking for new ways to try it.

  2. Bacon? Chicken? Ranch? I'm sold. That looks so good!

  3. I've heard of using ranch dressing and bacon on pizza then adding lettue and tomato after it cookes for a BLT pizza. However, your bacon chicken version looks way yummier. I don't mind leftovers, but my family hates them. We often comment on the amount of food we waste too, so this would be a great way to use them up so they don't feel old.

  4. Just read your comment, I am always weary about all those different omegas. All we really NEED in a supplement is 3. So...I would say look for that, and that only. But will yours hurt you? Not necessarily, especially if you eat plenty of food sources of omega-3.

  5. Me & my husband have been making a version of this for years. It's always my go-to when we aren't sure what to have for dinner. We never put bacon on though. I don't know why I never thought of it! We usually stick to chicken, tomoatos, green onions, and cheese. Bacon is going on our next one for sure!

  6. I would love to have been at your dinner table that night. Anything with bacon and ranch in the same sentence usually has me very interested. This is no exception!

  7. Both would have been hits at my house! Thanks for the great idea! We tend to throw away a ton of leftovers, too!
    I'm your newest follower via the FMC blog hop!

  8. This looks so yummy, and a great way to use leftover chicken. Will definitely be trying it. One thing I do, when we have leftover pork roast, I put it in a skillet the next day with BBQ sauce and simmer it until it all falls apart. Then we put it on buns for BBQ Pork Sandwiches. I also like to use leftover chicken for stir fry dishes and fried rice and such.

  9. I'm visiting from the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop!

    This looks delish. Bacon, chicken and ranch? Yes, please! Thanks for sharing!

  10. So delicious! Linking up this awesome post with us made the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop better and more special. Thank you!

  11. just wanted to let you know that i've featured this recipe on my 5 favorites friday!

