Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back to Basics - White Bread

As you probably know, we love bread around here.  However, I almost always buy whole wheat bread, and I bake with a lot of whole wheat flour.  So, can anyone explain what possessed me to buy 20 lbs of all-purpose flour from Sam's Club?  Yeah, I'm not sure either. 

Don't get me wrong, I love white bread and all-purpose flour, but whole wheat is healthier.  Sometimes, though, you may really want some good old fashioned soft, fluffy white bread.  Especially homemade.  Toasted homemade white bread with a schmear of butta....mmmm mmm good.
and you may have 20 lbs of flour sitting around.  I checked allrecipes.com for a good recipe to try and decided on White Bread I - quick & easy in the bread machine with basic ingredients.
  • 1 1/4 cups lukewarm milk
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 teaspoons active dry yeast


  1. Place ingredients in the pan of the bread machine in the order suggested by the manufacturer.
  2. Select Basic or White Bread setting, and press Start. When done, place on wire rack for at least 10 minutes before slicing.
It was very good! Nice flaky crust, soft, fluffy inside...I don't think this loaf lasted 24 hours.  I'm sure this can be made without a bread machine too.  Just, you know, don't ask me how.  I know this isn't anything fancy, or full of whole grains or different ingredients, but sometimes....sometimes it's good just to get back to basics :)

I'm linking up today with Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, Dr. Laura's Tasty Tuesday, Tasty Tuesdays @ 33 Shades of Green, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Made from Scratch Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday @ For The Love Of Blogs, Follow Me Chickadee Tuesdays, Blog It Forward Tuesday


  1. I love bread. LURVE IT! I don't have a bread machine though. Boo!

  2. I am in need of getting my dusty bread maker out! We're usually wheat eaters too. But, I think there is nothing better than a piece of homemade white bread with butter and raspberry jam. Yum!

  3. I always buy wheat bread but I do love white bread, especially if it is homemade! But not that I'm gonna be making any...Ha!

  4. "people who eat white bread have no dreams" --diana vreeland.

    one of my favorite quotes of all time.

  5. white bread is my favorite sorry my mom made me that way and this sounds awesome

  6. I've NEVER made bread - always wanted to. Definitely am going to have to try when I get home from school this week :D Delicious looking bread and AMAZING pictures!

  7. any type of homemade bread is my favorite kind! :)

  8. this makes me want a bread maker so badly! yummmm! thanks for sharing! love it, as per usual :)
    <3 meaghan
    @ http://clutzycooking.blogspot.com

  9. Fresh bread is always fantastic, but I love white bread made with milk - it's so delicious! What a bonus you can make it in the bread maker too! Thank you for sharing a great recipe with the Hearth and Soul blog hop.
