Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I did it all for the cookie...

You have to be a Limp Bizkit fan to get the title I guess.  So check it out here if so inclined :)

I was all pumped for National Cookie Week - and it's Wednesday and I'm just now making my first batch of cookies.  I swear, life gets in the way of baking and blogging.  After a weekend of cussing conversing with nature (aka sleeping outside in the cold) I am now majorly suffering with my allergies.  And I think I have a pinched nerve causing me a great deal of pain in my left shoulder/neck area.  Yes, I would like some cheese with my whine please!  Oh, cry me a river.  Anyway, now that I've started off complaining and subjecting you to songs about nookie....let's move on shall we?!

I just checked on my 1st batch of cookies...and they look fantastic!!  It's an experimental recipe, so I was nervous, but looks like they are coming together pretty darn good.  Yay!  That definitely bolsters my mood.  Too bad I plan on giving them all away :(  I also just realized I didn't include my son's preschool teachers in my Teacher Appreciation cookie gifts.  Oops.  Now I need to make even more cookies.  What a shame

Wordless Wednesday is not so wordless today is it?  My plan was to link back to some previous cookie experiments recipes, so here goes....

Faux Peanut Butter Blossoms (peanut/egg free)

As you can see, I don't do 'decadent'.  The cookie I made today however, has eggs, nuts and a whole stick of butter! *gasp*  And no wheat or flax.  No wonder they are so good.  Yep, I've already sampled them.  Can't giveaway cookies you haven't taste tested first!

Search #NationalCookieWeek on Twitter and check out my previous post abt cookie week for other links to other fabulous cookie recipes!  (Like Chocolate Chip Bacon Cookies, Inside Out Carrot Cake Cookies, Snickerdoodles, and the list goes on....yum!)


  1. Oh yeah, I know that song!! Sticking it on my rear is what happens after eating the cookies.

    Everything looks delish.
    Sorry about the nerve.. ouch.

  2. Why...why do I read your posts? They always make me so darn hungry. Mmmmm cookies. They look fantastic..all of them!

  3. I just found out that my son is allergic to eggs and nuts and I was so sad for him! It is great to find this blog and see all the wonderful things I can make for him! Thank you.
