Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Mo's Mom & Pop

Yes, this is the back of a man's head.  This man is my dad.  At this time last year, my dad had no hair, was thin, very pale, extremely weak, and was waiting for a life-saving bone marrow transplant.  So when I look at this pic from this past Mother's Day weekend, it makes me very happy!  Here he sits, with good color, and head full of hair, and chatting on the phone!  It's a wonderful sight to me!! 

My Mom & Dad.
  He surprised her (and I mean really surprised her) with a Louis Vuitton purse for Mother's Day.  I'm pretty sure it cost more than my first car.  It was a "thank you and I love you" from my dad to my mom...who never left his side the entire time he was in the hospital (and we're talking months).  She slept on cots, in chairs, ate crappy hospital food and did whatever she had to do to support and take care of Dad when he was sick.  She deserves a Louis V!
I love you mom and dad!!

I'm feeling so blessed, and so proud of my parents for being the strong, dedicated and loving parents that they are,  that I linked today's Wordless Wednesday with all the linkys found HERE, please take a look!


  1. Yay for your dad!

    (And your mom too!)

  2. I'm glad your dad is better!

    That's so sweet he got her a LV purse.

  3. What a sweet gesture and obviously your dad knows what women like! So glad to hear he is doing better!

  4. he's looking like his old self again, yayyy!!

  5. Aw, such a tender post. It is a great reminder to not take those we love for granted. Thanks.

  6. Yay for your dad! That makes me SUPER happy!

    They seem adorable.

  7. Yay for health and presents and hair (that is wanted). Great shots. Happy Wordless Wednesday :)

  8. Let's hear it for hair - Hooray!!
    Very glad to hear he's in good health now.
    I saw your link on the Wordless Wednesday blog hop.
    I'm a new follower :)

  9. oh my gosh - I love them! What a sweet happy post. They remind me of my parents. What a blessing your dad pulled through and is enjoying life again.

  10. Awww. So glad to hear your Dad is doing better and kudos to your Mom. Sweet photo!
    Peace...Naila Moon


  11. It's posts like these that keep me coming back :) You are very blessed to have such a loving family and parents who love each other so much!

  12. That just warms my little heart! What a story! I'm so glad your dad is doing so, so much better! Their love is the real deal, sealed by LV! {{jealous!}}
