Friday, June 3, 2011

Cilantro Lime Butter

I don't know about y'all, but in NC we're having some serious summer time weather.  90+ days, heat index over 100 the other day, and some lovely humidity.  Today however, is simply awesome.  Highs in the 80's.  Weather like this makes me want to fire up the grill and have a nice cold beer/wine/mixed drink - you name it, I'm an equal opportunity drinker.
And the fresh produce coming into the corn-in-the-cob - 4 ears for a $1.00 at my local Wal-Mart.  Yum.  And if you have corn, you need some buttahhh.  I decided to spice mine up a little and made Cilantro Lime Butter.  Making herbed butters are super simple and adds fantastic flavor to just about anything.
Take your butter, let it soften a bit, and add whatever seasonings you desire.  I used chopped cilantro (to taste) and a squeeze of lime.  Then I mixed, mixed, mixed.  Then I had a light bulb moment and realized durhhh, oil and water don't mix.  So, only a little bit of your lime juice is going to mix in with your butter (this may be different if you let it melt, but I just let mine soften a little.  I was hungry.)  However, it was enough to give it a hint of fresh lime flavor.  Also, to give it a little extra kick, a sprinkled in some of this...
Also to taste. I know it says popcorn seasoning, but you can use it on all kinds of things.  It's pretty darn good on popcorn too.
How good does that look?  I know, right?!  Delish.

Those hamburger buns? Super easy to make, you can check my buns out here.  hehe.  And yes, that's some lettuce from the garden on my burger!  My cilantro didn't come up at all :(

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and is experiencing some of the fabulous weather like we're having!

Also - you may or may not have noticed that I've added some links at the top, under the header.  I've moved my blog list up there (constantly adding new ones, so many great blogs!), and I have started a recipe index.  I have only completed recipes posted in 2011, it's a long process, but I'm hoping you'll check it out.  There are lots of things I've made that I totally forgot about until I started going back through them!  Then I was like "oh yeah, that was awesome, I need to make it again!"

And today, since it's Friday(!!) I'm linking up with Foodie Friday at Little Brick Ranch and Eating at Home - who is spotlighting fresh herbs!


  1. Yum! This looks good. My pet peeve with cilantro, is that you constantly have to replant it, because it goes to seed! But I love the flavor.

  2. After reading previous comment, I'm glad I'm not the only one with cilantro growing issues! My husband loves cilantro--I think he would be a fan. I'll look for the popcorn seasoning.

  3. Well, I don't think we've gone quite as high as 90 but with humidity it definitely feels that way! This cilantro lime butter would be perfect!

  4. This looks really delicious and easy.

    I'm a big corn on the cob fan and I really like those popcorn seasonings. You really can use them for all kinds of things other than popcorn.

  5. I have never made herbed butter before ~ what is the matter with me!! I am going to make some this week, thats for darned sure! : )
    and yessss.. that dinner looked delish!
