Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can't get no fresher than this...

Check out this pic. 
Take a good look at this beautiful greenery. 
How awesome is that?  I grew this sh*t!  (Sorry, I get carried away.)  I also get super excited when I can walk out into my backyard and pick dinner.  After tilling and raking and seeding and hard work is paying off!  I've got all kinds of stuff growing outside!  This is lettuce and spinach.  I also picked basil (and more spinach) to make pesto!  So much fun.  For me anyway.  You may be less than thrilled at my pictures of lettuce. (and spinach!)

For dinner, we had taco salad.  Check out these cuties...
They're awesome right?  I picked up a 2 pack of these little tins at Ross, on clearance for like 3 bucks.  I heart them. 
Is that not the most gorgeous taco salad you've ever seen?  I know, I'm feeling so modest today.  This salad had ground beef with homemade taco seasoning, cheese, lettuce from my garden :D, homemade guacamole, salsa (from Sam's club), red onion, and a little dollop of plain yogurt (because I didn't have any sour cream).  I think I threw some pickled jalapenos in mine too.  Delish.  And makes such a pretty picture!  Of course, I'm really stylin' and staged my salad to photograph so well on my Food Lion brand paper plates :P

Also, I'm participating in the 101 Days of Summer Challenge hosted by My Bizzy Kitchen.  If you have never been to Biz's blog, you should certainly hop on over.  She has fantastic food pics, and has some amazing recipes...and she can grill some meat like nobody's business!  She is currently doing Weight Watchers, and blogs about her food and exercise daily (while working full time and maintaining stable blood sugars).  She is an inspiration!  Which is why I wanted to get involved in the 101 Day Challenge.  I need some...nudging along.  Something to help me stay on track.  I am hoping that it will help me feel accountable, and give me the extra push I need.  My goals are to lose 15 lbs and maintain exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes, 3 times per week. I have started taking some classes at the local Y, and I am enjoying those, so I hope I'll be able to keep it up.  I took my first spin class today.  Good Lord, my tail is sore!  It worked my gluteus to it's maximus.  But that's a good thing.  It's way too maximus.

I'm linking this post up with Share a Spoon hosted by Think Tank Momma.  Today's theme is garden fresh!


  1. Why yes, that is a beautiful taco salad. And my gluteus is too maximus, as well. Ha! I hope the classes go well. I'm doing Zumba! And after visiting your blog I get the urge to munch on things..tasty tasty food. It's the power of suggestion.

  2. I'm super jealous of your little tins! THOSE ARE AWESOME! I just can't get over our garden this year. Everything is so amazing. I have been picking carrots every day and spraying them with the hose and eating them while I water. TASTE amazing.

    I love your salad. Looks fabulous!

  3. I love the idea of using those tins, and despite your paper plates, the salad looks incredibly delicious!

  4. That does look awesome. And, you should be proud of growing your own! I only have herbs this year and i am really excited about those too : )
    Don't forget to link up with Fun for Kids Friday Heather @

  5. Those tins!!!! I have never seen anything like it before I love it!

  6. What a neat idea!

    My in-laws are up to their ears in lettuce. I love it - all the goodness and none of the work.
