Thursday, June 23, 2011

Color me orange - Whole Wheat Orange Bundt Cake

Whole Wheat Orange Cake may not sound as tempting as, let's say, Cookie Dough Brownies, but keep reading! It's good, I promise!!  Don't let the whole wheat flour fool you into thinking this is going to be dry...far from it.  It's nice and moist with orange juice, orange zest, and an orange glaze on top for good measure!  Oh, and it's EGG FREE! (Which only excites those of us dealing with allergies or who are vegan I guess, but...yay!)  I made this to take to my parents' house for Father's Day, so it was nice to have a dessert that everyone, including Mr. Three, could enjoy.

Whole Wheat Orange Bundt Cake (Adapted from Leaves of Wheatgrass)

■3 cups whole wheat pastry flour  *I used 1-1/2 cups whole wheat and 1-1/2 cups all-purpose since I can't find whole wheat pastry flour anywhere!

■2 teaspoons baking soda

■1/2 teaspoon baking powder

■1 teaspoon salt

■1 cup sugar

■2/3 cup canola oil

■2 cups orange juice *I used orange juice with pulp so I would have little bits of orange, same for the glaze.

■2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

■2 teaspoons vanilla extract

■1 teaspoon orange extract *I didn't have any orange extract so I used a tablespoon of orange zest

Preheat oven to 350F.  Oil and flour a 12-cup bundt pan very thoroughly. {go HERE to find out why this is important! I, of course, learned the hard way.} Whisk together the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Stir together the wet ingredients in a separate bowl, and pour the wet mixture into the dry. Whisk just to combine, being careful not to overmix.

Pour the batter into the prepared bundt pan and tap it on the counter a couple times to get rid of the air bubbles.

Bake on the middle oven rack for about 45 minutes, or until the cake is light golden brown and a tester comes out mostly clean.

Cool completely in the pan before flipping onto a wire rack. Hopefully, it will come out looking like this...
Thoughts - this is a tasty, moist cake with a hint of citrus flavor.  You can make a glaze to go on top of 1 cup powdered sugar mixed with enough orange juice to give it the desired consistency.  Ashley (Leaves of Wheatgrass) also mentions a chocolate ganache for a topping, which would be fabulous!  I would like to try the cake with the orange extract in addition to the orange zest.  You could even increase the zest, or add a variety of lemon, lime and orange zest, for a more intense flavor.  I'm a zesting fool. I've been adding it to everything!

So go ahead and make this cake.  It's practically a health food with it's whole wheat flour and orange juice.  And orange juice makes it a perfectly acceptable breakfast food too :)

I'm linking this recipe up with Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, Dr. Laura's Tasty Tuesday, Tasty Tuesdays @ 33 Shades of Green, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Made from Scratch Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday @ For The Love Of Blogs,, At Home with Haley, Lady Behind the Curtain,  Little Brick Ranch, These Chicks Cooked, Miz Helen's Country CottageMangoes and Chutney for Fat Camp Fridays, EKat's Kitchen, Local Fun for KidsSweet as Sugar Cookies, Feeding Four, It's a Keeper, Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo, Eat at Home for Ingredient Spotlight: powdered sugar, Finding Joy in my Kitchen for Ingredient Spotlight: citrus, Memories by the Mile


  1. I feel like summertime desserts should be lighter and more citrusy than winter desserts...basically they should be exactly like this cake!

  2. That looks wonderful and I love the ingredients used. This is a must make for anyone allergies or not.

  3. This cake looks delicious! I am a huge orange cake fan. I'm glad you shared something not so heavy. Thank you!

  4. This looks awesome! I love baked goods with orange. I would love it if you came over and linked up to Cast Party Wednesday. I have a great collection of recipes going and yours would be a PERFECT addition!
    I hope to see you there!

  5. Wow! Yum! Gosh, I'm going to have to try this cake!! And I totally love your rationalization that OJ makes it acceptable for breakfast! :) Sounds perfect.

  6. So glad to meet you Kim! I'm your newest follower through networked blogs. What's up with GFC? Mine has been down for about 2 weeks now...a huge disappointment.

    I see we're both moms of 3. I just turned the big 40 this past September, and it has been the BEST year for me!! And as you can see with my low carb experiment, I feel like I've found the missing key for finally being able to keep my weight at a stable level after years of bouncing with the same 10 lbs. SO excited about that!!

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  7. We just love a orange flavor in a dessert and your bundt cake looks awesome. I really like this recipe and will try it very soon. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and I look forward to seeing you again real soon.
    Have a great week end!
    Miz Helen

  8. This cake looks so good and I love that it's orange flavored. Thanks for linking it up to Sweets for a Saturday.

  9. This looks super good...perfectly baked :)

  10. You got a gorgeous space here! This cake looks super cool and yummy! Thanks for sharing.
    Now, am your newest follower....hope you will follow me back:)

  11. I love that this cake uses whole wheat flour, and you can't beat a citrus cake for this time of year! Thank you for sharing a yummy, healthier dessert with the Hearth and Soul blog hop last week. I've linked to it in my Hearth and Soul post for this week as it was one of my favourites!

  12. Thanks for sharing your yummy recipe with us at Cast Party Wednesday. I hope you come back and visit us tomorrow.
    Thanks again.
    I hope to see you there!
