Wednesday, June 22, 2011

{semi} Wordless Wednesday - Father's Day

Last year, my brother, sister, mom and I gathered in my Dad's hospital room in the bone marrow transplant unit to celebrate Father's Day.  We had a lot to dad had just received a stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor - his best chance of surviving the type of Leukemia he had.  However, my Dad was very, very sick and weak and on lots of meds.  The next several weeks were going to determine if he would make it or not.  He was emotional, we were emotional, and it was a hard, hard, day.

This year, we all gathered at my parents' house, with my children and it was FREAKIN' FANTABULOUS!!!!!  My Dad feels good, looks good, and is able to enjoy life again!  Thanks be to God!
'Grandaddy' and Mr. Three
Daddy with his favorite hobby 
Captain Little Man
Miss Two 
Number One
It is awesome, awesome and more awesome.

{Yay, my pics finally loaded!}


  1. What a great time. Much preferred to last year I'm sure!

  2. What a blessed Father's Day to be celebrating with your family and father!

  3. these are great pics. i know mama & daddy are enjoying having the girls there. i just picked my hose after slicing a hot banana pepper. NOT a good idea!

  4. Love the pics! How wonderful to be able to celebrate with your dad and family!

  5. So glad your family had a great Father's Day and that your dad feels good. Yeay!
