Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cookie Dough Brownies

Chocolate Chip. Cookie Dough. Brownies. Yes, you read correctly.  I went there.  It's not my fault.  Food bloggers everywhere have been posting decadent cookie dough treats...beautiful cookie dough cupcakes that I coveted.  So cookie dough got stuck in my head.  Good thing this happened before Pinterest, or I would have an entire board devoted to cookie dough.  That would be embarrassing. 
So you may be thinking 'this is why she can't lose weight' and you would be correct in that assumption!  However, in my defense, I made these to take to the end-of-the-year Girl Scout celebration.  They were a huge hit with the kids!
I got the recipe from RecipeGirl - she made her brownies from scratch, and I just used a box to save time, but click on the link for the brownie directions if interested.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies

*Prepare your favorite brownies in a 9x13 pan

COOKIE DOUGH (EGG FREE!):3/4 cup butter
3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
3/4 cup granulated white sugar
3 Tablespoons milk
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups mini chocolate chips *I added 1 cup mini chocolate chips and sprinkled the other half cup on top
1/2 cup semisweet chips + 1 teaspoon shortening for drizzle, optional  *I skipped this

Directions: In a medium bowl, use an electric mixer to combine butter, brown sugar and white sugar. Mix in milk and vanilla. Mix in flour just until combined. Stir in chocolate chips.

Spread cookie dough over the cooled brownies. Refrigerate until the dough is quite firm. It's okay to speed up the process and place it in the freezer too. The firmer the dough, the easier it will be to cut into neat squares. Use a sharp knife to cut the brownies. You may need to wipe the knife off with a paper towel in between cuts since the fudgy brownies and cookie dough will tend to stick to the knife a bit. These brownies are best to serve placed inside cupcake papers and served with a fork.
If you'd like to add chocolate drizzle on top, melt 1/2 cup chocolate chips with 1 teaspoon of shortening in the microwave; stir until smooth. Scoop the melted chocolate into a zip baggie and snip off the corner. Squeeze the bag to drizzle the chocolate on top of each brownie. Sprinkle additional chocolate chips on top, if desired.

The cookie dough needs to be kept cold or it really starts to soften...it was pretty soft in these pics.  Of course, they are good this way too, it's like cookie dough frosting! But they are better cold in my opinion.  These are super rich, and have no healthy redeeming qualities, but they are fun!  I only had a few to bring back home...one of the girl's little brother ate about 5 - I bet he was in a sugar coma on the way home!  He was so funny, as he was stuffing one in his mouth, he was like "these are the best brownies, they are sooo good".  ahhhh, the sound of success!

I'm linking this recipe up with Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, Dr. Laura's Tasty Tuesday, Tasty Tuesdays @ 33 Shades of Green, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Made from Scratch Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday @ For The Love Of Blogs,http://bluecricketdesign.net/, At Home with Haley, Little Brick Ranch, These Chicks Cooked, Miz Helen's Country CottageMangoes and Chutney for Fat Camp Fridays, EKat's Kitchen, Local Fun for KidsSweet as Sugar Cookies, Feeding Four, It's a Keeper, Bacon Time with the Hungry Hungry Hypo, Sharing Sundays at Everyday Sisters, Eat at Home


  1. That's why I can't lose weight, too!! Go figure, right? And with WW online you can have as much or as little support as you want. There are lots of forums and people to chat with. Or you could be like me and stay in your own little corner of the WW website. That's fun, too. ;) If you need the motivation of a weekly weight in, go for the meetings.

  2. I'm pretty sure I just died and went to heaven reading this! Cookie dough spread on brownies!? YUM! xo

  3. This looks so yummy...gotta give these a try!

  4. I'm going to break my diet for these, but I think it's going to be worth every bite!

  5. These look sooo good! I'm definetly making these this weekend!
    And I had the same problem with blogger. I couldn't leave any comments, it ended up being my browser IE9 and blogger do not mix well..

  6. Oh wow! What a treat these must be! They look so yummy - great comfort food :) Thank you for sharing them with the Hearth and Soul blog hop!

  7. What an awesome treat. This looks like a great recipe that we will really enjoy! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!
    Miz Helen

  8. I think there is nothing wrong with a pinterest board of cookie dough :) Those bars look wonderful and I like the fact that the "dough" doesn't have any eggs. Thanks for coming by to share! Have a great weekend.
