Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Garden Variety

Last week - blooms; This week - cucumbers!
Watermelon that came up on their own from last year.
They are taking over the world.
I was trying to capture how big my zucchini plants are, but Mr. Man was not happy about posing. 
My first time growing corn! 
Zucchini last week.  This week - I've picked 5! 
Another wild watermelon!  Sorry buddy, you had to go. 
This is a massive, bug infested, weed looking potato plant!  I have little potatoes growing! This is also a first! 
Another first, asparagus BEANS. Something new my sister found. 
Last week - baby beans.  This week - I picked several handfuls last night! 
bean overview :) 
Mammouth sunflowers that my daughter planted.
The name scares me. 
Kinda pitiful looking onions 
Baby hot banana pepper - last week
This week - they are about 2 inches long! 
Cauliflower. I think it's too late in the season for it to do much. 
blooms, but no baby 'maters :( 
still have lettuce! 
yummy basil 
and baby basil coming up from seed.  Wanted to make sure I had enough ;)

I need to take more pics since I spent hours weeding!!

Sorry about the unedited pics (it was very sunny that day!), picasa wasn't being cooperative!

This is my 2nd year having a garden and it's still trial and error!

I'm linking up at It's a Blog Party for Nature pics!


  1. Wow! You have quite a garden there! I cannot wait to start yielding something from mine, but I got it later than normal because of all the rain we were getting. Enjoy your veggies!

  2. looks great. I need to take some pictures of ours. our peppers are really slow growing for some reason. and i forgot to plant hot peppers to dry for red pepper flakes. damn.

  3. Oh wow that's quite the garden you got. Wish we could of done one this yr but no way being about ready to pop too much work.

  4. You are quite the home farmer! I'm interested in these asparagus beans.

  5. wow! the garden looks great! Nice work!

  6. We are having some bug issues. Just WAIT until you have those sweet cucumbers right off the vine. I swear, I have been happier about the cucumbers than anything else. I am a little jealous of the lettuce! I am trying that next year!

  7. Reminds me, I need to get updated pictures of my garden and weed. Hmmm...

    Those sunflowers will fit their name once they are full grown too! The hard part is pulling them from the garden at the end of the year. HAHAHA! I had Hubbie do it and just about lost half the garden dirt with it's roots. He compared it to falling a small tree. Silly man... They were an awesome plant to witness though!

    Take care!
