Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - from Mr. Little Man

Mr. Little Man has reached that stage where a band-aid makes everything better.  However, in his 3 year old world, a band-aid and a sticker are pretty much the same thing.  Hence the photo.  He apparently had lots of boo-boos.

Good news! After going through about 5 different technicians, my computer is finally fixed!!!  After all the testing, cleaning, etc., it took unplugging the modem for 30 seconds to fix the connection speed.  hmmmm, you'd think they would have thought of that first?!  whatev.  I'm just glad it doesn't take 3 years to load a picture.  Lots of blogging to be done :D


  1. yay! your lack of regular posting has put a damper on my daily blogging routine.

  2. I use any excuse to bust out my hello kitty band-aids!

  3. What a cutie! Kids love anything that stick, don't they? Glad you got your computer fixed!

  4. Too cute! My almost 8 year old still loves band-aids!
