Wednesday, October 19, 2011

{semi} Wordless Wednesday- Light the Night 2011

For those of you that don't know, Joe is my dad, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in October 2009.  He had a life saving stem cell transplant (also known as BMT or bone marrow transplant) from an unrelated donor in July 2010.  He is currently cancer free and doing well.  He IS a survivor!  

We also walked in honor of a co-worker of my husband who is currently undergoing chemotherapy for the treatment of another form of leukemia (Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia).  She is a breast cancer survivor as well.

We walk to raise awareness.  We walk to honor those who have battled or are currently battling cancer.  We walk to remember. 

(You can be the one to save a life, by registering to be a bone marrow donor at!)


  1. I love it! I'm such a huge supporter of the fight against cancer. Is that your darling child in the NC State sweatshirt? Love it!!

  2. Awesome! We're sad to miss it this year, but next year for sure! We do Relay for Life annually as well. So very happy for your family to have your Dad wear the title "SURVIVOR!"

  3. So awesome and am so happy for your father! My grandmother is battling stage 3 breast cancer. Hopefully soon she will be able to say she is cancer free as well :)

  4. I run all of my marathons with Team in Training and LLS and this event is incredibly inspirational!

  5. What an awesome event!! And, such a great thing for your kids to take a part in. And for their grandpa :) It's amazing! I'm so happy for your dad, and your entire family.
    Enjoy your weekend!
