Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chocolate Turtle Cake

I know I've been a little pumpkin crazed, but don't think I've gone and changed my ways.  Nope, this home girl has not abandoned her one true love.  Chocolate.
yeah baby! come to mama... 

Speaking of mama's....that's who made this cake.  Mo's mommy, from whom I inherited my great love of chocolate.  Thanks Mom, my thighs are forever ungrateful.  This was made for my brother's birthday a couple weeks ago, and it was delish.  Mom said she was making a cake "completely from scratch!"  Come to find out, completely from scratch includes Betty Crocker :D

Chocolate Turtle Cake from Betty Crocker (and my mama)

1 box Betty Crocker Devils Food Cake Mix (I'm sure any brand is fine; or Heavens to Betsy you could make your cake mix from scratch) *plus whatever needed to prepare mix - oil/eggs/water
1 (14 oz) bag of caramels
1/2 cup evaporate milk
1 cup chopped pecans
1/2 bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 F.  Mix cake mix according to directions on box.  Pour 1/2 the batter into a greased 9x13 pan.  Bake 20-25 mins.  Place other half of batter into refrigerator.  While cake is baking, melt bag of caramels in microwave.  After caramels are melted, mix 1/2 cup evaporated milk into caramel. *Be careful not to let caramels burn.
While the cake is still warm, pour the caramel mixture over the cake, then sprinkle 1 cup chopped pecans on the caramel mixture, then sprinkle 1/2 bag of chocolate chips over the nuts.  Pour the remaining half of cake batter over the caramel, pecans, and chocolate chips.  Cook for another 25-30 minutes or until cake springs back lightly when touched.  Cool at least 30 mins. and drizzle with toppings (more caramel, pecans, whipped cream, etc).  Serve with ice cream!  We had coffee ice cream (chocolate for the kids - yes, we love some chocolate! BTW - Breyer's Natural Chocolate ice cream - no eggs!)  

Verdict?  This cake was yummy.  However, my mom's version looks nothing like the one pictured on the Betty Crocker website (which I just found when I Googled 'chocolate turtle cake'. I think mom got her recipe from a friend).  She said that her caramel sunk right to the bottom when she placed it on the cooked cake layer....I'm not sure what happened there.  So, I'm not sure what finagling she did, but whatever it was, it worked!

And remember - honor our Veteran's tomorrow!!  (Maybe make them a cake?!)

I'm linking this recipe up with It's a Keeper Thursday, What's Cooking Thursday at Feeding Four, Full Plate Thursday at Miz Helen's Country Cottage, Thursday Friends Cafe at Menopausal New Mom (blog hop), Friday Potluck at EKat's Kitchen, Fantabulous Friday at Momma's Kinda Crafty, Fun for Kids Friday at Local Fun for Kids, Sweet Tooth Friday at Alli n' Son, Sweets for Saturday at Sweet as Sugar Cookies


  1. GURL! That is some delightful decadence right there. Can't wait to try it. Turtle brownies are my fave, so this should be right up my alley.

  2. Oh this cake looks A-MAZING! Thanks for the follow at I'm happily following you back! Loving your blog.

  3. That looks so delicious. The picture is making my mouth water! Come visit us. We have a terrific cranberry couscous to share today.

  4. Oh me, oh my! I'm bookmarking this for girls weekend at my house!

  5. This sounds amazing!

    Stopping by from the Thursday Friends Cafe Hop. I'm following by GFC. I'd love if you stopped by my blog.

    Lisa W

  6. This cake look delicious!
    I love your topping

  7. That looks incredible! My chocolate loving family would love this. Thanks for sharing. I am a new follower from Fun For Kids Friday. Vicky from Mess For Less

  8. Oh So Good - I love turtles (both the reptiles and the candy)

  9. I am drooling over your Turtle Cake, it looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  10. This would be a perfect cake no matter what it looked like. How can you go wrong with chocolate and caramel?!

  11. You're just like me. Chocolate all the way!

    Thanks for linking up with Fun for Kids Friday. Hope you stop by again this week : )
