Monday, May 21, 2012

Cheerios and a GIVEAWAY!

If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you know that we love our cereal.  With 3 kids, it makes a convenient, quick breakfast or snack.  I have to admit that I eat cereal A LOT as well.  So with all this cereal eating going on, it makes sense to buy it in bulk.  I often shop at Sam's Club, where you can buy everything supersized!  The disadvantage to buying in bulk however, is the packaging.  Sometimes, the boxes are large and cumbersome, and hard to find a place to store such large items.

The smart folks at Cheerios have taken this into consideration!  They have managed to not only reduce package size, making it easier to use, more convenient to store, but also managed to INCREASE the amount of cereal you get at the same time! Winning :)

But don't take my word for it, check out this video....

Pretty cool huh?

I can't say I am super "green", but I am trying to reduce our waste, increase the amounts we recycle, and use more environmentally friendly cleaning methods.  So it is really nice to know that while I am buying a product that my family loves, and each box we purchase contains more cereal (making it more friendly on the pocketbook), Cheerios has done their part by reducing packaging material by over 200,000 lbs- saving 1,000 trees and taking 130 Cheerios trucks of the road, decreasing CO2 emissions.  Awesome.

Is your family a Cheerios fan?  Would you like to win this mack daddy supply....
Two giant multi packs of cereal!

Not only are Cheerios great straight from the box, or in a bowl of milk, but there are lots of recipes available that use Cheerios too. Check out these.

I have made Cheerios Breakfast cookies for the kids before too.  
You can check them out here,

AND, I have come up with another breakfast/snack time 'cookie' that is a hit with the kids.  This one has no peanut butter or eggs, so it is safe for my little allergy boy too.  I'll get that post up this one is getting long and you still don't know the deets on the giveaway!

Just enter using Rafflecopter :)

Disclosure:  Cheerios® cereal, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i like to eat them as an ice cream topping

  2. I make cereal bars with Cheerios, corn syrup, sugar, and peanut butter about once a month. Kind of defeats the healthiness of the Cheerios, but we love them. I'll have to try your cookie recipe!

  3. We like to eat them plain with milk (and maybe a little sugar!)

  4. I love my cheerios with extra sugar, milk and strawberries

  5. I like them with sugar and milk

  6. My son likes them plain while watching tv!

  7. I like to have them dry as a snack at work
