Tuesday, May 22, 2012

London Broil

Yes, it's actually a post about MEAT! It's not something I'm very proficient at cooking, and mainly we eat some form of chicken...but since I have learned how simple it is to make London Broil, I think we will be having it more often.
This is a leaner cut of beef, and can be very tough and tasteless if not cooked properly.  However, it is super simple to make a great meal with it, and it's FAST - so it's easy to do on a week night.

I use this....
 Tones Canadian Steak Seasoning 28oz 794g
and following the directions on the bottle, I marinate the london broil in a gallon size baggie or a casserole dish.  (All you need is the seasoning mix, water, oil and vinegar. I use olive oil and red wine vinegar.) Usually I will do this in the morning and leave it in the fridge all day until I'm ready to cook it.  It can also be done the night before.

When ready to cook it - just place on a pan (I use a cookie sheet/baking pan with sides to it) and place under the broiler on high for 7-10 minutes.  Flip meat, and broil on the other side for 5-10 minutes.  The time varies on the thickness of your meat and how rare you like it.  I think I usually have about a 2 pound steak and cook for abt 10 mins on one side and a little less on the other, so that I have it pink, but not bloody in the middle, and more well done on the ends (for the kids - they don't like to see pink meat!)
kid's plate - more well-done
my plate - medium 

After broiling meat (which I usually don't care for, but this is good and flavorful), let it rest for a few minutes so all the juices don't ooze all out when you cut into it.

This is great plain (we had whole wheat cous cous, salad, and homemade bread - recipe to come!), but it also makes an awesome steak sandwich or salad topping, which is often what I do with leftovers.

So there you go....a quick, easy, fairly inexpensive meal, but very tasty!  (I buy my meat from Sam's Club and very rarely tenderize my london broil. However, a lot of recipes recommend doing that to prevent toughness, since it is a lean piece of meat.  Use a meat mallot or rolling pin to pound your steak - I was going to say 'beat your meat', but that just makes me giggle b/c I have the mind set of an adolescent boy.)

The best part of this meal, other than being easy and delicious, is that my kids will eat it! (Except for Mr. Three....who, as you know, hates almost any "real" food)

Don't forget to enter my giveaway going on right now for Cheerios! (Something my son will actually eat!)


  1. Yum. We like London Broil at our house too!

  2. I have a great marinade recipe for London Broil {on my blog if you're interested}, but I'm always looking for a way to mix things up. We usually grill ours instead of broiling. I wonder how it would work with your marinade.

  3. I love london broil because its inexpensive and it grills up really well. We like our meat medium rare, so I usually cook our meat for six minutes a side and let it rest for a good 10 minutes.

    And you are right, it makes great sammies the next day!

    Ha - beat your meat! :D

  4. Mmmmm - london broil was my sister's favorite growing up so we'd always have it on her birthday.

  5. HOORAY FOR MEAT!! i love london broil. we just fixed one saturday night in fact (they were on sale at the food kitty) my marinade is soy sauce, olive oil, red wine vinegar, onion, garlic, dijon mustard, agave nectar, garlic pepper. it is delicious.

  6. Looks Good. Love london broil! Thanks for linking up to The Ease of Freeze!

  7. Sometimes you can't beat a great london broil- seriously. This recipe looks great, I'm going to try it out soon on my Garland GIR36 broiler. Looking forward to the results!
