Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Low Carb Pizza Crust

I have seen Cauliflower Pizza Crust all over Pinterest and wanted to test it out before making it for my hubs (who is a diet controlled Type II diabetic and follows a low carb diet).  I figured it wouldn't hurt for me to cut the carbs and get some veggies in at the same time either.

So, I tried this recipe from Eat.Drink.Smile. (head over there for the recipe - I pretty much followed it without making changes!)
Pre-cooked 'crust' 
with toppings. and worst pizza pic ever.
(I actually stuck in under the broiler for a minute after taking this pic, and added fresh basil and red pepper flakes...but forgot to take a pic. I was getting hungry.)

Verdict - It was okay, but with potential to be really good.  First, I used frozen cauliflower b/c that is all I had.  I would like to try this with fresh and compare.  I think leaving fresh cauliflower slightly under cooked would make for a better crust.  This is kind of like having a hash brown crust if that gives you an idea of consistency.  (But not crispy hash browns)  Also, I think I will try adding 2 eggs next time or you could add more cheese.  I spread my cauliflower mixture out too thin. I wanted it thin b/c I was hoping that would make it crispy, and the edges did get crispy, but it was also too thin in spots.  So I will know better next time about thickness (maybe a 1/2 inch is good? Not quite sure.)  The flavor of the crust was good.  It didn't taste like a vegetable, which is always a plus ;)  So, bottom line - I will be making this again, with a few tweaks, and hopefully I can get the whole family to eat it (except Mr. Three, who can't have eggs).  This only makes about a 12 inch crust, so keep that in mind as well. I will probably double it if I can get the hubs and girls to eat it.  They are not very anxious to try my "experiments".  I can't imagine why! ;)

If you take down some of the spices, this would make a good crust for a breakfast pizza too!


  1. I'm totally intrigued by the cauliflower crusts - I've been seeing them everywhere too. I think I'll finally have to give it a try. It might be a nice change from using a tortilla as a crust, which can get old pretty fast :)

  2. I did this with fresh cauliflower once and it turned out really watery. I'd make sure to wring out as much water as possible before combining everything.

  3. Looks delicious. Thanks REBrown for the tip. Am going to try out for sure.

  4. I've been wanting to try this too! Cauliflower is one of my favorite veggies, but I wasn't sure how it would translate to a crust...
