Monday, July 9, 2012

Chocolate Covered Banana Pops

Need a quick summer time treat to help beat the heat?!

I don't know how things are where you are, but's crazy hot.  I mean crazy. H-O-T.  The South is notorious for high humidity, but with temps over 100 degrees, it's been redunculous.  

Not to mention, my kids are borrrred.  I wish I could be bored.  Anywho...

to entertain and feed my kids a healthier, yet delicious treat, I made these 'banana pops'.  They are beyond easy!

I threw in a few apple slices for me too :)

Chocolate Covered Banana Pops
(not really a 'recipe', more of an idea!)

bananas (or any fruit you would like covered in chocolate!)
lollipop or Popsicle sticks (optional)
chocolate chips (or whatever your preference - could use white, butterscotch, etc.) 
coconut oil (could also use butter or shortening)

(I think I used 2 or 3 bananas; 1 cup of semi sweet chocolate chips; 1 teaspoon coconut oil)

Cut up your bananas (or other fruit) to desired size.  I cut my bananas into thirds.  Place your chocolate chips and coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl. Heat for about 20 seconds. Stir.  Continue heating in 10 second intervals if needed until chocolate is melted and smooth.  Stir between heating.  If using sticks, dip one end in chocolate then place in middle of banana (just helps hold it in place).  Dip fruit into chocolate mixture, letting excess drip off.  (This is the messy part.  I stink at dipping things in chocolate!)  Place dipped fruit on wax paper lined baking tray (that will fit into your freezer).  Once all your fruit is covered, place in freezer to harden.  This doesn't take long with the coconut oil (I can't vouch for butter or shortening.)  You can also add chopped nuts, sprinkles, whatever, to your chocolate covered fruit before it hardens.

Verdict?  YUM!  I loved the apple slices, and my kids (plus a friend) loved the chocolate covered bananas!

Come back tomorrow for a chance to win a quart of coconut oil!


  1. OMG, I am glad you said that you put in a few apple slices in there because when I saw them I was like "that doesn't look like a f_cking banana!"

    I used to buy Diana's Bananas back in the day - I think yours look better!

  2. Look so delicious! I would love to try some. I reckon it would taste awesome!
