Monday, December 17, 2012

DIY "Twix" Bars {w/Biscoff} - recipe update; Peanut free option

I've started this post several times.  This morning I woke up with renewed energy and determination to block out the horrible events of last Friday, and make this a great week for myself and my children. Then I took my three kids to school.  I cried after I dropped each one of them off.  The realization that I cannot protect them all of the time hit me.  The despair of what has happened in that small Connecticut town hit me with renewed force.  I cried all the way home.  I can't block it out.  I can refuse to watch the news.  I can avoid the newspapers, etc.  But the tragedy of that day's events is embedded into my heart and mind.  However, I also realized I can curl up in despair this week before Christmas and mourn for those poor children and teachers and families, or I can honor their memory in the best way I can and continue to make this a wonderful holiday for my children.  My children that I feel so blessed to have and that I love with all my heart.  So, I came home (which I know I am so fortunate to be able to do), turned on the Christmas music and the Christmas lights, said a prayer for the victims and guidance for myself, and started this post again.  (I also broke out the Christmas M&M's but let's keep that just between me and you.)
I made these a couple of years ago.  They were delicious and I posted about them here.  On Friday, in an effort to avoid the news and reality, my youngest two kids and I made them again.  But this time, I made a little change.  And this time....they taste almost exactly like a Twix candy bar!  (which happens to be one of my favorites!) They are soooo good.

DIY "Twix" Bars 

Club Crackers (or store brand)
1 c. Graham Crackers, crushed
3/4 c. Brown Sugar
1/3 c. White Sugar
1/3 c. skim milk
1/2 c. light butter

For frosting -
1/3 cup peanut butter (or PB replacement - I used WowButter)
1/3 cup Biscoff spread
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • Place a single layer of Club crackers in the bottom of a 13x9 baking pan, set aside. 
  • In a saucepan, combine graham cracker crumbs, sugars, milk and butter and bring to a boil.  Continuously stir and boil for 4-5 minutes. The mixture will thicken and have a caramel consistency, and pull away from the sides of the pan. 
  • Pour caramel mixture over the crackers and spread evenly to coat.  Careful, it's HOT.
  • Immediately top with another layer of Club crackers, pressing down slightly.
  • Chill for about 30 minutes. (I don't think we waited that long!)
  • While bars are chillin' - combine peanut butter/wowbutter, Biscoff and chocolate chips in a microwaveable bowl.  Microwave for one minute. Stir well to combine.  Microwave in 15 second increments if needed until mixture is smooth.
  • Pour chocolate mixture over cooled bars and spread evenly.  Allow to cool, then cut into "Twix" bars or squares.  ENJOY!
Recipe adapted from Hoosier Homemade

Verdict?  SO GOOD!! We all loved them and my kids agreed that they tasted very much like a Twix candy bar.  They are definitely a keeper!  They would make a great addition to your cookie tray, to give as gifts, or just enjoy with your family.  It's also a great recipe to make with the kids b/c they can layer the bottom layer of crackers (just make sure they understand that the crackers need to be touching each other. We had a few gaps :-) which made the caramel stick to the bottom of the pan.)  An adult needs to handle the caramel mixture b/c it does get super hot.  I also did the second layer of crackers to prevent any burns.  The kids can also measure things out for you, stir the chocolate mixture, and help spread the frosting.  Most of all, the kids can help eat them!

I hope everyone has a great week, holds their loved ones a little tighter, and prays to make this world a safer, better place for us all.


  1. snickers and twix are my favorite candy. i probably didn't eat a twix bar until i was an adult. i'm so weird! but i love them and actually said to mike i wanted to make some this weekend. but i never did.

    1. These are easy, and delicious. You can use all peanut butter in the frosting if you want, but it's not quite as "Twix" like...still delish I'm sure!

  2. These look absolutely delicious!


  3. This sounds super delicious!
    What a fun activity with the kids to make and EAT!

    hugs x

    1. Eating is definitely the best part ;) Would go great with the hot chocolate I just pinned from your site! It would be chocolate favorite!

  4. I love your attitude. We can't change what happened but we can change how we live our lives as a result of it. Need to appreciate every day! And what better way than with homemade chocolate bars. Yum!

  5. As sad as it is, life does go on. Glad you were able to get some Christmas spirit back after this unthinkable event.

    And, um, I believe those twix are insulin worthy!!

  6. Hello, Yummy! I might have to try these this weekend. What a treat!

  7. Will be trying this recipe.

    New Follower!
