Monday, December 17, 2012

Mrs. Smith's® Gives Back & a Giveaway!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Mrs. Smith's for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

*PLEASE NOTE - This post is is being reposted via SocialSpark. All entries for the giveaway that have been received on the previous post WILL be counted.  If you have already entered this giveaway on the previous post, there is no need to enter again.  Sorry for the confusion!

On Tuesday, we had PIE.  For no reason at all.  It wasn't a holiday or special occasion, I just decided to treat my kids to a little something extra.  Things have been somewhat crazy around here.  Sick kids, sick dogs, rushing all around...we needed a time out.  So, after dinner, we took a break.  We aren't one of those families that have dessert after dinner every night, so for me to break out a pie, my kids were elated!

It wasn't just any old pie was one of Mrs. Smith’s pies. A Mrs. Smith's® Deep Dish Cherry pie....with a butter fudge sauce to be exact!
MRS.SMITH'S® Signature Deep Dish Cherry Pie with Butter Fudge Sauce
Image source and all the other great pies they offer can be found here.
Why cherry pie?  Why not apple or pumpkin?  Well, even though I love Dutch Apple Pie, cherry and blueberry hold a special place in my heart. And taste buds.  When I was growing up, my family would always have Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner at my Grandma's house.  She would always have coconut pie, sweet potato, and pecan pie. However, she knew that I, being the picky child that I was, didn't like any of those. So, she would always bake me a cherry pie.  Or blueberry if I made a special request ;-)  She liked to spoil me like that.  (She would also keep Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs in the cabinet in case I didn't like whatever meal she had prepared.)  I miss my Grandma!  But having a cherry pie to share with my children was my little tribute. It may be silly, but it is the little things that you remember and hold dear.
Why Mrs. Smith's®? Well this holiday season, they have been working really hard to give back.  They provided pies to Operation Homefront for Thanksgiving, and are donating $1 to Operation Homefront for every Mrs. Smith's® pie sold during November and December!  
I think that is pretty awesome.  Not only are they helping those in need, they have provided a fun microsite this holiday season where all of us can send out a holiday e-card to family and friends.  Considering the price of stamps nowadays, that is not a bad deal :-)  I have sent out a couple of cards already, just to say "hi" and "Merry Christmas".  It's nice to let those you love know you are thinking about them!  Just go to to send your own e-card.
Now for the GIVEAWAY --  Mrs. Smith's® has provided me with a coupon to giveaway a FREE pie of your choice AND they will be making a $20 donation to Operation Homefront in the winner's name. If interested in entering, just leave a comment on this post stating which pie you would love to try and why! For an extra entry, share this post on Facebook, Twitter &/or Pinterest (leave a separate comment stating you did this.)  
The giveaway will end December 16, 2012 at midnight EST.  US residents only.

Visit Sponsor's Site


  1. I would like to try the cherry pie debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  2. I'd like to try the prebaked coconut custard pie.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  3. Pinned:

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  4. the cherry pie

    dlatany at gmail dot com


    dlatany at gmail dot com


    dlatany at gmail dot com

  7. I would like the Classic Dutch Apple Pie

  8. tweet

  9. I'd like to try the peach pie, because I love peach pie and have never tried theirs.
