Friday, January 4, 2013

Easy Oven Pancakes (freezer friendly)

Yes, I've been playing with my blog again.  I just can't get satisfied with the layout!  So bear with me please :-)  In the meantime, I bring you pancakes. In the oven.  Brilliant! I mean, who really enjoys standing over the griddle flipping pancakes?  Well, my 11 y/o daughter does...she is the pancake expert of the family.  However, me...not so much.  I have things to do, blogs to read, Pinterest to browse.  Or, more likely, dishes to wash, a table to clear, yadayada.  So, when I saw this idea, on Pinterest of course, I had to give it a try.  Since we often have breakfast for dinner, we had these one busy weeknight.  I loved the ease and convenience of it.

All you need is your favorite (or easiest) pancake recipe.  On this particular night, we went with the easiest, which is the recipe on the back of the Bisquick box!  I headed over to Lynn's Kitchen Adventures for the deets, since that is one of the places I had seen this done.

Easy Oven Pancakes
2 cups Heart Smart Bisquick Mix
1 1/4 cups skim milk
1 egg (we used Ener-g Egg Replacer)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Mix above ingredients together until blended and pour into a greased 12 x 15 or 11 x 14 jelly roll pan (any large flat pan with sides).  Bake for 12-15 minutes or until done.  It's like one huge rectangle pancake!  Cut into squares and serve however you like your pancakes.

  • I doubled the above recipe because I didn't think I would have enough batter for my pan.  This was unnecessary and I ended up with thicker pancakes than I would have liked. You can use any pancake recipe that calls for about 2 cups flour/mix.
  • These can be cut into squares and frozen just like regular pancakes.  Just microwave and serve!
  • For a quick and easy blueberry topping (first picture), take frozen blueberries, cover with pancake syrup (I use sugar free) and microwave until warm. Pour over pancakes, top with walnuts if desired!  It is a little thin (I don't know if it would be with regular syrup).  For a thick blueberry sauce, you can heat blueberries on the stove with a little sugar until the blueberries begin to pop and sauce thickens.
  • If you are looking for a healthier pancake, you might want to try my Vegan Pumpkin Spice Pancakes, Whole Wheat Pancakes or if you need an egg free/dairy free pancake recipe, this one has worked well for me!


  1. I like this new look!! :) And what a brilliant idea! I hate flipping pancakes!

  2. Love this idea! I've seen a lot of recipes for oven pancakes, but I've never tried them. I really need to! Thanks for sharing at Pinworthy Projects!

  3. I've never heard of pancakes cooked in the oven. I make gluten free pancakes for myself and those take forever to cook on the stove. I should try your version because I think that would make my life easier.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog about the cheesecake. That made me laugh, and I hope those bribes help you get more of those handyman jobs done around the house! Hope you're having a great weekend.

  4. Very new idea to me. thanks for sharing it on foodie friday.

  5. What... no pancake flipping!! Oh, I gotta try this!!! I am ready for a blog makeover too! Most be this time of year. : )

  6. I've been seeing these around the internet and keep forgetting to try them. There super simple, and who doesn't love pancakes?!? Thanks for linking up!

  7. Yummy! Thank you for linking up with Foodie Friday each week. I've included this in a round up of Recipes for today's features. I hope you'll come by and check it out.
