Thursday, February 14, 2013

Apple Spice Crunch Cake & other super fast desserts

Anyone sitting here, right now, thinking "I have nothing special planned for my family for Valentine's! What am I going to do?!"  Yes, I realize it is Valentine's Day, and most of you have all these great plans for romantic dinners and so forth.  But maybe, just maybe, there are some people out there like me who spent all their free time (non-sick free time that is! Thanks Mr. Three for that lovely cold you shared last weekend.)  baking up cookies for preschool, and running around all over creation b/c the closest Wal-Mart and Target are 30 minutes away trying to get party supplies, and the Wal-Mart was completely sold out of everything except EASTER candy...oh wait, am I ranting?  It kind of feels like I'm ranting....back to my point.

For whatever reason, some of us do not have a special dinner planned, or have a special dessert ready, OR maybe you have been invited somewhere at the last minute and you need a dessert NOW.  One that is a crowd pleaser, but doesn't require lots of prep or ingredients. I'm here to say, I've gotcha covered. Dump cakes to the rescue!  If you are not from the South, you may be saying dump what?! ewwww.  However, these simple cakes are a staple of every potluck I've ever been too.  They are super simple to put together, and they are very yummy.  You just "dump" ingredients together...hence the name.

Apple Spice Dump Cake (or Crunch Cake if you prefer)

2 cans apple pie filling
1 box spice cake mix
1 cup butter (2 sticks)
Nuts - optional

Lightly spray a 9x13 casserole dish with non stick spray (I don't even know if this is necessary, I just did it to be on the safe side.)  Dump both cans of pie filling and spread in an even layer.  Sprinkle DRY cake mix over the top in an even layer.  Place slices of butter all over the top of the cake mix OR melt the butter and pour over the top...I don't think it matters.  (In the pic, I had only used one stick of butter, so I have some dry patches. Always trying to cut fat over here!)  Sprinkle nuts over the top if using.  Bake in a 350 F degree oven for 30 to 45 minutes...basically until golden brown on top.

Serve warm or room temp, with ice cream or without!  In my opinion, this is best the day it is made b/c the topping is crunchy. It is still good the next day, but the top starts to soften from the filling.

There are so many variations too....
This is a Blueberry Dump Cake made with one can of crushed pineapple, one can of blueberry pie filling, and yellow cake mix.  You can use any fruit you like. See the recipe post HERE.

Rather have chocolate?  There is a dump cake for that too!
Chocolate Pudding Dump Cake with 4 ingredients! (Cake mix, pudding, milk, chocolate chips)

Want even fewer ingredients? How about just TWO?!
Apple Angel Food Cake (can also change up the pie filling to whatever you like)

Skinny Brownies (brownie mix and a can of soda. Or pop..whatever)

Or, what I like even better...
Skinny Brownies with brownie mix and yogurt

So there you go.  Desserts that are super easy, but sure to please.  You are on your own with dinner, 'cuz I'm clueless on that one right now myself!

Happy Valentine's Day!  Make yourself dessert and enjoy.  What are your plans tonight? I'd love to hear them so I can be jealous :-)


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! Yummy! I am liking that apple crunch!I am sharing vintage Valentine's Day cards today. Stop by for a visit!
    Many blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  2. Wow. Definitely not from the south so I have never ever heard of dump cakes, but I do like easy (when it comes to cooking). I hate buying a lot of stuff and having lots of clean up.


    I'm definitely pinning these!

    I actually got here from the Friday blog hop from Nap Time is My Time. I am subscribing as much as possible and look forward to following your blog daily!

    1. Thank you Lisa! I'll teach you all about our crazy Southern ways! haha (and I love easy when it comes to cooking - look forward to "seeing" you around)

  3. I want to try those skinny borwnies with la la!

  4. Wow!! So many delicious cake recipes! Dump cakes are so fast and yummy! Have a great week. -The Six Sisters
