Monday, February 4, 2013

Chocolate Candy Cake

I gave a little overview of my middle child's 10th birthday last week, with a pic of her Pinterest inspired over-the-top cake. I mean a cake surrounded in Kit Kat candy bars and covered with M&M's...every kids dream right?! (and me being the chocoholic that I am was secretly super excited to have an excuse to make it!)  Her friends were quite impressed, and deemed me the best baker ever. hahaha, candy will win them over every time!
However, the outside wasn't the only yummy part of this cake.  The inside was also delicious.  It was chocolate cake and chocolate icing...per Miss Two's request.  The inside was moist and chocolate-y and the icing was the new Cool Whip frosting, which was light and the perfect match for this cake.

This cake is adapted from this one. I've been making it for years, but usually make it as a bundt cake.  Since I wanted this cake to be a layer cake, I changed the recipe a little to have a cake that was a little less dense and heavy. The result was 'fluffier', but not dry.

Chocolate Layer Cake

1 package devil's food cake mix (without pudding in the mix)
1 small box instant chocolate pudding mix (I used sugar free/fat free)
1 cup plain non-fat yogurt (or sour cream)
1/2 cup canola oil
4 eggs
1/2 cup warm coffee
1 cup mini semisweet chocolate chips

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • In a large bowl, mix together the cake and pudding mixes, yogurt, oil, beaten eggs and coffee. 
  • Stir in the chocolate chips and pour batter into two greased and floured cake pans. (or pan of choice!)
  • Bake for suggested time on back of cake mix box, or until top is springy to the touch and a wooden toothpick inserted comes out clean. 
  • Allow cake to cool in pan for about 20 minutes, then invert onto cooling rack to cool completely before icing. 
  • To assemble "Kit Kat" cake - frost cake as desired, then place full size Kit Kat bars all around the outside of the cake.  My cake used 3 "king size" Kit Kats plus one "regular size".  I just broke the bars into singles (but I think leaving them as double sticks would be better) and stick them to the frosting on the cake. 
  • Once the cake is covered all around the sides with Kit Kat bars, you can cover the top in whatever you like. We used pretzel M&M's and mini M&M's.  You could make this cake match whatever theme you are using, or Holiday, based on the color candy you use on top. It makes for such a cool presentation.  I added ribbon around the cake, b/c that is what I had seen on Pinterest.  I thought maybe the ribbon was needed to keep the Kit Kats from falling off, but we didn't have any issue with that (it might happen if the frosting started to melt however).  

This is definitely a "special occasion" cake, with all that candy on top (which is why I made a "lighter" cake), but it makes quite an impression on kids and adults alike!


  1. This is gorgeous! Definitely might have to make it for one of my coworkers who is a candy freak!

  2. Looks delicious, I don't know who wouldn't want this cake :)

  3. so pretty! I've seen versions on Pinterest! I love that new cool whip frosting. It's really good tasting! The cake does look incredibly that!

    1. I thought the frosting was good too! And yeah, gotta love Pinterest!

  4. Ooooh -- that looks really good! Amazing how the candy does double-duty as decoration and super-yummy dessert. Thanks for linking to Must Try Monday!

  5. Everything about this cake is just heavenly!!! Would you like my address?! ;)
    Thanks for linking up again at Show Off Your Shell kinky party #3!!

    1. hahahaha, thanks, but you just made me snort, I laughed so hard...your comment made me do a double take. Just a little typo - and I needed the laugh :-)

    2. Bahahaha!!! Oh boy!!! It is definitely not a kinky party!!! Why oh why does my iPhone always auto correct "linky" to that!!! Hehe!! Hope to see you back tomorrow for my LINKY party!!! ;)

  6. Those cakes are down right amazing! They are so impressive. Thanks for sharing at Must Try Monday.

  7. Oh lord girl! That is like chocolate overload and so a dream!

  8. I have been jonesing for this cake for a long time now! I should make it for David's upcoming birthday, shouldn't I? The candy looks great; but that cake inside looks even better.

  9. oh wow, if this doesn't hit the sweet spot I don't know what would :o) Thanks for sharing at Tasteful Tuesdays this week! Do you sew or know someone who does? I have a fabulous pattern sale (18 patterns for under $25) and giveaway going on right now.

  10. This looks so fun and festive! Yum! Gonna pin this one as well!

  11. I SWOON every time I see this beautiful cake on the net! What an excellent way to celebrate a birthday! Thanks a million for linking up (& linking back) at Weekend Potluck. WOWZERS!

  12. Not only does this look amazing before it's cut, the cake looks so moist & yummy! Great cake! Thanks for sharing this at my Pin Me Linky Party.

  13. Kim this is a great cake and so much fun! Hope you have a fantastic week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  14. This cake is amazing! I am drooling! Kit Kat makes me go wild ;)
    Thank you so much for sharing this at Wednesday Extravaganza - hope to see you there again this week with more of your deliciousness :)

  15. wow.. I want to eat this cake.. Thanks for linking up at Friday Link Party.

  16. What an incredible cake! It really is quite stunning! Can I have a slice? ;)

    1. You could certainly have a slice, but that cake is nothing but a memory ;-) It was consumed at warp speed! haha Thanks for stopping by!

  17. How creative and colorful. Really yummy and chocolatey!
