Monday, February 11, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake with Chocolate Chip Cookie Crust

Boy, that was a long title, and a lot of chocolate chip talk, but if you have a chocolate lover in your life, then you might want to see how easy it is to make this cheesecake.  Since, you know, we have that holiday this week.  The one all about chocolate and hearts and luuuvvv stuff.  Excuse me while I barf in my mouth a little.  Sorry, my cynical nature is shining through.  I love LOVE, and chocolate.  I just don't do mushy. Moving on...
It's a rare occasion to find my husband in the kitchen cooking something, but when one of his children asks for something, they usually get it.  So, when my daughter asked for a chocolate cookie crusted cheesecake that he has made one time before, for her birthday, he made her one.  

He is of the mentality, go big or go home, so this was no wimpy cheesecake.
I mean, just look at that crust!  A chocolate lover's dream.  

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake with Chocolate Chip Cookie Crust
from Mr. Makin' it Mo'Betta

for crust:
1 tube refrigerated cookie dough (like Pillsbury)

for cheesecake:
3 pkg. (8 oz) 1/3 reduced fat cream cheese, softened 

3/4 cup sugar*

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

3/4 tsp. vanilla

3 eggs

1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

*This cheesecake can be sugar free by using a sugar substitute, like Splenda and leaving out the chocolate chips. And using a different crust of course! We make it this way often.

Preheat oven to 300 F.  
Take raw cookie dough and cover the bottom and halfway up the sides of a springform pan.  Mash down firmly.  (Cover the bottom of pan with aluminum foil to catch drips.)
In a medium bowl, mix together the cream cheese, sugar, lemon juice, vanilla and eggs until well blended.
Fold in chocolate chips.
Pour cream cheese mixture over cookie dough.
Bake for 45 minutes or until center appears almost set (it will be just a little jiggly in the center).
Remove from oven and allow to cool before removing from pan.

Yep, this was a happy girl. She had two over-the-top birthday cakes! (Check out her Chocolate Candy Cake for her birthday party if you missed it. It is also a chocolate lover's fantasy!)

This would make someone pretty happy on V-day, don't cha think?!


  1. Oh wow - that's quite a cheesecake.

  2. whoa. good picture too. she really did have two amazing cakes!

  3. Whoa! Now there's a cheesecake. Looks absolutely delicious.

  4. This looks amazing, can't wait to try the crust! I am a new follower!


  5. Looks amazing!! Will be adding that to the next party menu!! Thanks

  6. This looks so delicious! I would love for you to share this or any of your great ideas at the link party going on now (and every Saturday through Tuesday) at 'Or so she says ...' Hope to see you there!

  7. Y U M ! ! ! Pinned ;) Looks incredibly delicious! Thanks for sharing:)


  8. Oh goodness!! I feel my pants getting tighter, as well!! Thanks for linkin up at my Show off Your Shell linky party!! ...p.s. I made sure to make sure my phone didn't autocorrect a certain word! ;)

  9. WOWZA, that looks awesome! Thanks for sharing the recipe and linking to Tempt My Tummy.

  10. This sound amazingly delicious! can you send a slice stat :)

  11. I think this Cheesecake was made in heaven! Thanks for sharing. I found you from Memories by the Mile Linky party! You have been pinned

  12. Found you on Fluster Buster. This looks delicious! Love the picture of your daughter looking at it. Cheesecake is my favourite and my 12 year old loves to bake so I'm going to suggest he makes this to celebrate valentines day (any excuse for cheesecake and chocolate!!!)

    1. My soon-to-be 12 year old makes the sugar free version frequently for her (diabetic) dad. I think she has the recipe memorized!

  13. Wow! what a great looking cheesecake. No wonder she requested it. So would I. Found you on Fluster buster.

  14. Wow! Wish my husband would bake a cheesecake! Looks amazing! Would love it if you'd share this at Saturday Share With Us!

  15. WOW! This looks GREAT! Make sure you check out my linky party tomorrow!!!!

  16. Looks delicious - can't wait to try it! Stopping by from One Creative Mommy Link Party

    1. Let me know if you give it a try! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. O my goodness! This looks delish! :)

  18. This looks amazing! I wish I had it for breakfast =o)

  19. Wow, that looks amazing! I'd like to invite you to link up to Show and Tell Saturday at Sassy Little Lady!


  20. This is what my hubby requested a few months ago for his birthday, but mine was a massive fail! Next time, I'll do it your way :) It looks delicious.

    1. Thanks Loretta! It is super easy, but definitely not part of the Whole30 plan! Which is what I NEED to be doing...I lasted 2 weeks with no sugar :-( or maybe it was just a week!

  21. Hi Kim,
    This is a little slice of Chocolate Chip Heaven, it looks awesome! Hope you are having a great Valentine weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  22. That looks amazing!! Thanks for sharing at Pinworthy Projects.

  23. The crust on this cheesecake is to die for... thank you for sharing it with us on foodie friday.

  24. Wow - this looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing at Fluster's Creative Muster. Looking forward to seeing what you link up next week.

  25. Congratulations! You've been featured on this week's Martha Mondays! :) Swing by to pick up a "Featured" button and do a little bragging! :)


  26. This looks to die for! I love cheesecake and I love chocolat chip cookies, so yes I want a slice or two ;)

  27. Oh my goodness, do you want to adopt me!? I want a cake like that for my birthday too! Thank you for sharing this at Wednesday Extravaganza - see you there again tonight with more of your deliciousness :)

  28. Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful cheesecake at Saturday Share With Us! I hope share some more goodies this weekend!

  29. Looks delicious, Kim. Thanks for linking up to Tasty Thursdays. The next party is live!!

    Thanks, Nichi

  30. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this cheesecake should be illegial it looks so darn delicious!

    So glad you shared at last weekends link party @The Weekend re-Treat!
    :) Hope to see you again this week!

  31. How big was the spring foam pan?

  32. I baked this last night, after 45min the cookie dough was not cooked all the way thru maybe I used too much? Added more time and it's perfect, just wish I knew how to bake cheese cake without it splitting on top..taste yummy though.

    1. My cheesecakes almost always crack too. My friend who owns a cheesecake business says a water bath is the key.
