Friday, February 8, 2013

Treats and Ideas for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and I, always being on top of things, have a full line up of new things to share. hahaha, just kidding. I've done nothing.  I've done nothing, and I am in charge of the Valentine's Party at Preschool.  Yikes.  So, what I have done, is round up the things I've done in the past, and will hopefully gain inspiration for what I need to do next week, and maybe give you and idea or two as well.
Peanut free Chex Mix in cute little Valentine boxes (boxes from dollar section at Target last year.)

Bark is super easy, yummy and so cute!

Pink marshmallows dipped in white chocolate or almond bark, then decorated. The kids had fun with this one.

One year, I made these cookies, and my son's preschool class decorated them. I'm thinking about doing this again this year.  Maybe heart shaped cookies on a stick?

These were super cute! See my original post for the link to the FREE printable!

And you should definitely make these. With Valentine candies of course.

Or if you are being good, and sticking to those resolutions (that I have yet to start), then this 'Skinny' Strawberry Cake is perfect.  One can of Diet Sprite/7UP/Sierra Mist etc. added to one box of cake mix.  Stir and bake according to package directions.  No eggs, no oil, just those two items. Crazy, but it works.

Now, with these ideas, plus my Valentine's Pinterest Board, I should be able to come up with something!

all the things I heart. haha, get it?!

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  1. All of your treats look very festive so I am sure you will come up with something. Valentines Day isn't far off is it.

  2. These are all so cute I can hardly take it!

  3. The candy bark looks especially delicious to me!

  4. Love your valentines inspiration. Hope the preschool party goes well!
