Thursday, February 7, 2013

Macaroni n' Cheese PIZZA

Mac and cheese pizza.  It's a thing.  I wasn't aware it was a thing, but it is.  I was casually perusing the isles of a Fresh Market grocery store with my 11 y/o daughter and mom one day, when they were giving out samples of a macaroni and cheese pizza.  My daughter went nuts, b/c she is a mac n' cheese freak.  I think she would eat it everyday.  She ate several samples, it was embarrassing.  Finally I said in that quiet hiss that only mothers can do...'no more! We'll make one at home!', and that's how macaroni and cheese pizza became 'a thing' in the mo'betta house.
This is so ridiculously easy that I am almost embarrassed to post it.  Almost, but not quite...b/c if you have a mac n' cheese AND pizza fan at your house, and you didn't know this was a thing, then you will love me.  Okay, maybe not love, but, ya know - like me a little, because don't we ALL need some seriously easy throw-together-at-the-very-last-minute recipes? Yes. Yes we do.

Macaroni and Cheese Pizza (short cut version)

Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese (or your favorite brand)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or again, your favorite)
prepared pizza crust (I like the Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust)
real bacon bits (to taste...I just sprinkle some over the top)

Prepare macaroni and cheese and pizza crust according to package directions.  The Pillsbury crust says to pre-bake a few minutes, so after pre-baking, spread prepared macaroni and cheese over the crust.  Sprinkle the 1/2 cup shredded cheese and bacon bits over the top.  Pop back into the oven until everything is nice and melty and crust is completely done.
BAM! Dinner is D-O-N-E. 
Now, obviously, this is a quick and dirty version, and you could make this with homemade mac and cheese and homemade pizza dough.  It can be as simple or complex as you would like.  All I can say is, it is quite a hit with my 2 girls!  I know it may seem strange, but it is actually pretty good, and I am not a fan of macaroni and cheese. *gasp*  I know, right?!  I'm weird like that.

Have you ever had macaroni and cheese pizza?  What is the "weirdest" pizza you've ever had?


  1. What?? You don't like mac n cheese??!! My husband doesn't either. In his early 20's he moved to South Carolina for a job and before he got his first paycheck had very little money.

    He sustained himself on Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for two weeks and swore that once he got paid, he'd never eat mac n cheese again, and to this date (30 years later!) he hasn't. He won't even eat my homemade mac n cheese!

    I am not too adventurous when it comes to pizza, so no weird combos here!

    1. yep, Tony and I have similar taste buds, no beans in our chili and no mac and cheese! Of course, I'm pretty sure I would eat your homemade mac and cheese!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My child is a mac and cheese nut, too! She would go crazy for this pizza!

  4. The first time I had mac "n" cheese pizza is at Cici's pizza. I was really surprise it tasted good.


  5. What a cool idea! I can't imagine any kid NOT loving this cute concotion! So glad you linked this yummy dish up at Weekend Potluck.

  6. Oh girl! That is too freaking yummy, the boys would love this! I may just have to make this tonight!! Thanks for the Pin! :)

  7. That is very...interesting. Personally not a mac and cheese fan either, but my kids might just love me forever if I make this for them...

  8. Had to come back and let you know you inspired me. I'm making it now for dinner we are taking to friends. I decided to make my own dough and mac & cheese. I'll let you know how it comes out :)

  9. Oh. My. Word! Two of my favourite things!! I have pinned this so I can treat myself with it on a gloomy day!

  10. My daughter's two favorite food combine. She will get such a kick out of this. Thanks for sharing your pizza on foodie friday.

  11. WOW! I bet this is a HUGE hit with kids!! YUMMY!

  12. Hi Kim,
    This must be a little bit of heaven, Mac N Cheese on a Pizza, I just love it! Hope you have a fantastic week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
