Thursday, December 26, 2013

Easy crafts for gift giving

Somehow Christmas Day came and went in a blurrrrr. Wow! I can't believe it is over! But, I figured I would go ahead and post these little crafts/ideas anyway. Just a couple of projects we had going on...
Scarf with ribbon
A couple of gifts my 10 y/o gave to her besties. All you need is a scarf (great deals can be found at Old Navy and Wal-Mart), then embellish them with your choice of ribbon. I sewed mine, but you could probably use the iron on adhesive too. I don't know how well that would hold up with washing, etc. I'm not much of a seamstress, so I don't know how well mine will hold up either! However, I thought the end result was pretty cute. (zebra print is still the thang with my girls.)

Candy Sleighs
My girls made these candy sleighs for some friends and teachers. Forgive the horrible photos, the lighting is terrible in my house at night, and these were taken with my cell phone. Always in a hurry around here!
My girls used the hot glue gun to hold them together, and no, my daughter does not have a tattoo. Why does she insist on writing on herself?! 
We also tied some red curling ribbon around each one, but I didn't get a picture of that. I think these turned out really cute! All you need is 2 candy canes for the bottom, a Kit Kat bar, some Hershey's miniatures, and we used Hershey's Peppermint Bark Bells for the top. Who doesn't like a little chocolate for Christmas?!

Now, could someone send over some cleaning elves? My house is a wreck! 
I hope you and yours are enjoying great family time and have a Happy New Year! Time to think about NYEve appies!