Saturday, December 21, 2013

Creamy Hot Cocoa Mix

Yesterday's post was about easy, no bake gifts in jars. One of the things we put in jars this year for teachers' gifts was this homemade hot cocoa mix.
It was very simple to mix together, and it was really good! Obviously we had to sample some before giving it away :-)
We made hot chocolate to drink while watching The Polar Express. One of our favorite Christmas movies!

Creamy Cocoa Mix

  • 4 cups nonfat dry milk powder
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup non-dairy coffee creamer
  • 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
  • 1 box instant chocolate pudding (approx 4 oz size)
Add all of the ingredients to a large bowl. Stir to combine. For a finer consistency, process in a food processor or blender. (I ran mine through the food processor). Store in an airtight container. Add 1/4 cup mix (or to desired taste) to an 8 ounces of warm milk, water or coffee.

Recipe from The Motherload

To give as gifts, I put the hot cocoa mix in bags and placed in jars, along with marshmallows, peppermint sticks and Hershey's Hugs and Kisses.
Then we added the jars to baskets with some other goodies and added this cheese-y little poem...

Because you are my teacher and I love you so much,
Here is some hot chocolate and such....
Just mix with warm milk or coffee too,
my mommy said about 1/4 cup should do.
Then to your cup add some yummy marshmallows,
and don't forget the Hugs and Kisses from one of your favorite fellows!

Merry Christmas! Love, Mr. Three

Obviously these were for my son's Kindergarten teachers! I hope they enjoy their baskets b/c they are awesome and my son loves them both.

I plan on making more mix soon to have at home, except I want to use Hershey's Dark Cocoa and Hershey's Dark pudding! yummmm! This Hot Chocolate on a Stick is also fun to make and eat...oh yeah, and to give away!