Friday, December 20, 2013

Easy Gifts in Jars {No Baking Required!}

OHMIGAHHH y''s Christmas time! I mean, like, it's HERE. As I say every year, I'm not ready/It's come too fast/I still have so much to do/I want to do more baking...yada yada yada. Well, I can freak out but it's not going to change anything. Things have been really crazy these last couple of months (or 'totes cray' if you will...) I haven't talked about it on the blog because...well, I don't know why. I just haven't. I go through phases of wanting the blog to be more anonymous to wanting to share everything. It's kinda weird putting all your business on the internet, but on the other hand, I've gotten a lot of inspiration and encouragement from other people's business on the internet!

**Skip the following paragraph if you don't want to hear my life story**
The short version is that my oldest child was diagnosed with spondylolysis, and has been in a back brace for the last month. Being that she is only 12, I was freaked out, as any mother would be. Plus seeing your children in severe pain is horrible. Thankfully the pain was short term (so far). I advise anyone with very active children to look this injury up and be aware of the symptoms b/c I was not at all aware that she was at risk. I've had my own share of health issues as well, and finally took my procrastinating self to the doctor. I am a nurse, and I knew something wasn't right, but I guess it's human nature to put bad news off as long as possible! Thankfully, it wasn't that bad and there is an easy fix. My thyroid is out of whack, hypothyroidism, and it is amazing how many body systems your thyroid affects. So, all my life drama in a paragraph. Don't get me wrong, I feel blessed beyond measure because I KNOW how much worse things could be and I feel so very fortunate. However, these little hiccups in life will derail your "normal" routine. Hence, very slack in the blogging department!
**pick up here for Easy Gifts in Jars** :-)
As much as I love to bake, especially during the holidays, sometimes (most of the time) TIME is an issue. That is probably one of the reasons I like mixes so much! Plus the fact I love the sweet and crunchy combo. 
This one is super easy, and loaded with chocolate. My favorite combo of all! Just mix everything you see in a large bowl (add anything you like!)
Once it's mixed, you can either sit it out for a party or for everyone to grab a handful as they walk by (which my kids did frequently!) or you can package it up in some little jars to give away.
Some of you may recognize those jars...yep, recycled Biscoff jars!! My local stores have just recently started carrying Biscoff in plastic jars, so I have many glass jars that I've saved and use for storage. Or gift giving! Just slap a label on top and you are good to go.

Chocolate Lover's Chex Mix

2 Bags Chex Mix (Dark or desired flavor)
1 cup Vanilla Chex Cereal
1 cup Chocolate Chex Cereal
1 small bag of Kit Kat miniatures (chopped in half)
1 cup semi sweet M and M's
1 cup Gingerbread M and M's

Mix everything in a bowl. Done! 
I think a nice touch would be to spread the mix out on cookie sheets and drizzle with white chocolate. Once it cools, then add to jars. I plan on doing that with the 2 jars I have left. 

The great thing about this is that it is easily tailored to whatever you have on hand, or what you or the person getting the gift likes. I am thinking a good variation would be to add pretzel M and M's and pretzels to the mix for some sweet and salty action. Or mini peanut butter cups and peanuts would be delish. The options are pretty much endless.

Last year, I made these-
Little jars from the dollar store, and I painted the tops with chalkboard paint. I added some 'Christmas Crunch' aka White Trash Mix to the jars. (Another easy, no bake mix!)

This year, for my son's teacher gifts, I found these cute jars at Wal-Mart. They have a snowman and a snowflake on them. I filled them with peppermint sticks, marshmallows and homemade hot chocolate mix, along with some Hershey's Hugs and Kisses. I can't believe this is the only picture I took! I'll try to get the hot chocolate mix posted soon b/c it was very good.
Just a few last minute, quick and easy gift ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry about your daughter, but am HAPPY you got yourself to the doctor to get checked out. One of my friends has been so sick, they keep saying she has this, she has that - she finally switched doctors only to find out she has fibryomalgia (sp?!) She's finally on meds and hopefully will start feeling better. Life is too short as it is! Hugs!!
