Friday, March 14, 2014

St.Patrick's Day

I've never done much in honor of St. Patrick's Day. I'm not Irish and didn't even know the origin of the holiday until recently. However, the background is pretty interesting (you can read about it here) and now I'm in the mood to celebrate! (It doesn't take much to encourage me to get in the kitchen and make something. Or I should say bake something, since that's really all I ever want to do!)  A few simple and fun things I've done in the past include -

"Ritzy White Trash" - gotta love Ritz crackers. They are like the cracker version of the Oreo, a junk food classic.

Green Beer (and bread) - I'm not afraid of a little green food coloring

And my favorite, 'Magically Delicious' Cereal Treats! I posted the recipe over at Eat at Home.

This year, I'm thinking of something a little more traditional, like Irish Soda Bread maybe? Or something with Guinness? What do you do for St. Patty's Day? 

It will depend on my mood. I may just dye some crap green and call it a day *insert whichever emoji that will say "haha, I'm just being funny/sarcastic/moodyB"*

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