Monday, January 21, 2013

Not Your Mama's Magic Bars

First, I'm gonna need for you to use your imagination a bit.  What you are about to see is NOT red and green Christmas candy...we are going to visualize them as red, white and pink for Valentine's!  Okay, everybody with me?  You ready?
BAM! Valentine's Magic Bars with a Twist.  These bad boys are AWE-SOME.  As in awesomely delicious.  A little creativity based on the ever popular and traditional Magic Bars. (Or some people know them as 7 layer bars).  I had every intention of making Magic Bars for Christmas.  They just seem like a Christmas treat to me.  I guess because that is the only time of year I remember my mom making them.  However, Christmas came and went...with no Magic Bars.  Since I still had all of the ingredients, it didn't seem right to let these pretty M's go to waste just because they were red and green.  So, I set about gathering my ingredients for my much anticipated Magic Bars. I knew I had bought all of the ingredients.  ALL of the ingredients.  So imagine my irritation surprise when there are no graham crackers to be found. I was not happy.  So, I looked around the pantry, and see Club Crackers (leftover from the DIY Twix Bars...also delicious btw).  Yep, this Mama was gonna have her some Magic Bars.  A few extra things found there way into these bars as well.
Oh yeahhhh....bring it.
Baked up in all of their ooey, gooey, chewy, sweet and salty perfection.

Not Your Mama's Magic Bars 

1 1/2 cups crushed Club crackers
1/3 cup butter*, melted
1 can sweetened condensed milk*
3/4 cup shredded coconut
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup butterscotch chips
3/4 cup M&M candies (any colors!)
small bag of mini Rolos, halved
chopped pecans (optional)

*I used light butter and fat free sweetened condensed milk b/c I wanted to make this diet friendly. Just kidding, that is just what I had on hand, and the bars turned out great. 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  
Melt butter in 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan (I did this in the oven while it was preheating). 
Sprinkle cracker crumbs over butter and pat down to make the "crust".  (I crushed the crackers with a food processor, but you could also place them in a plastic bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Or wine bottle. Whatever's handy.)
Pour condensed milk evenly over cracker/butter crust.
Sprinkle coconut, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, M&M's, Rolos and nuts (if using) over top. 
Bake for 25 minutes or until light brown around edges. 
Cool completely before cutting into bars. 

All I can say is...make these.  The next holiday is Valentine's, and nobody needs to diet on Valentine's.  Go enjoy some mo'betta magic. hahaha, that sounded so cheese-y.  Seriously, these bars have a little something for everyone, and you can adapt the toppings to whatever you like or have on hand.  I love the club crackers as opposed to the graham crackers, b/c you get a little hint of saltiness mixed in with all that sweet.  Yep. There gooood.


  1. OH MY STARS! Those look a-mazing! you need to make them with V Day candy next!!! Off to follow you on my fave place to party: Pinterest! Please come and link this (or other goodies up!) here:

  2. I would definitely be quite pleased if a certain boyfriend made these for me for V-Day!

  3. I think my blood sugar just rose 100 points just reading the recipe! That being said, I still they are insulin worthy!!

  4. totally visualizing red/pink instead, and boy do those look super cute & festive! what a great treat to hand out at the office/school :)

    xoxo, Amy @ Interpret As You May

    {PS - I'm giving away a Fitness Notebook & would love for you to win!}

  5. Oh my these sound delicious, I really need to get a move on and make some magic bars. I found you through Wednesday Extravaganza @ Hungry Little Girl.

  6. You have so many great ideas! We are hosting our 1st link party. It is live today!! We would love for you to come and join the party!!
    Joye & Myrna @ The Busy Bee's

  7. Oh, my goodness! I think I just gained five pounds looking at those!!! Yum! Thanks for visiting me and commenting at!

  8. These are beyond good...............Love the pictures. andi the wedneday baker

  9. WOW - this definitely looks like a rich and tasty treat for special occasions. I always love the combination of sweet chocolate with salty caramel or pretzels, so I'm sure the rolos and nuts with the loads of chocolate must work similarly! :) Thanks so much for visiting me over at Have a wonderful weekend!!

  10. Yum! Soo glad you shared at Pinworthy Projects! This totally caught my eye :)

  11. Hi Kim,
    WOW, these are awesome bars, can't wait to have one. Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for sharing your tasty recipe with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  12. OH my lord that really is not my mother's version! Holy smokes so much better! Stopping by from Pin Me, stop by if you have a moment Running Away? I'll Help You Pack!

  13. Wether their magic or not they sure are cool. Thanks for sharing them on foodie friday.

  14. They look yummy! Crackers for the base, sounds great, salty and buttery!
    I just started a new link party and would love if you would come on over and share your post or social media sites.


    1. Thanks! I've added your new linky party to my 'Blog Hops and Linky Page', and will be there this week!

  15. Oh my goodness... these look so yummy! I'm so hungry right now, lol! Thanks for sharing at my link party this weekend :) Hope to see you again next week!

    Shauna {The Best Blog Recipes}

  16. Oh my goodness, they look amazing! You make me drool!
    Thank you so much for sharing this at Wednesday Extravaganza - see you there again next week with more deliciousness :)

  17. That packs a lot of yummy goodness! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friday!

  18. these look yummy! and so easy to make for any holiday with the seasonal MnMs!

  19. It's the Rolo's that really push them over the edge into extreme deliciousness! Thanks for sharing at One Creative Weekend!

  20. I've never had magic bars, but I want to try them. YUM! Thanks for linking up at!
