Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Treats {Round-Up}

I thought I would post a little round up of Easter treats in case you are in need of some last minute inspiration, and you know if I've done it, it's pretty quick and easy! 
No recipe - just Cadbury Eggs, cut in half and decorated with yellow frosting and sprinkles to look like deviled eggs. Very cute, VERY sweet! (It helps to chill the eggs for cleaner cuts)
Blueberry Dump Cake and a round up of other quick and easy desserts
Margarita Cake  - starts with a cake mix!
Make use of that extra Easter candy...Cookies and Cream Cookies
Hot Cross Buns - I like this recipe.

What are your Easter traditions? We are doing things a little different this year, and since my kids are out of school next week for Spring Break, I'll be taking a break from the computer.  Hope everyone has a nice Easter and safe travels. Catcha on the flip side!


  1. Ahhhh, that cake looks delicious! I shouldn't come here when I'm hungry.

    I'm drooling here.

    I just commented on those peanut butter chocolate thingies. I'm still dreaming about those!


  2. Hello, temptation! Man, I'm going to have to make one small splurge for a Cadbury Creme Egg. I can't believe I've had NO Easter Candy this year. I might have to make those cupcakes for the kids. I did something similar last year (no Easter Grass).
    Have a great weekend!
    Lulu and Daisy

  3. I just made some hot cross buns...they are just about ready to pop into the oven. :) I didn't know PW had a recipe for them...I hope mine look as good as yours! Happy Easter, Kim!

  4. ugh- this post is making me incredibly hungry- homemade pb cups?? yes, please! :)

  5. I pretty much need to try all of these! Wish I'd made hot cross buns this year!

  6. They all look soooooo good! Love the Peep cupcakes and the Cadbury deviled eggs (too creative!)
